Sunday, 1 November 2015

Frank and his holidays with me

Once we got out of the bus from Vulcania Chloe gave me Frank.
Then when I was about to leave I saw Loris with his plush lion so that gave me the idea of Frank's first photo!

Frank and ... ... (his plush lion maybe!!!)

That night I slept with Frank and he was very  comfy.
The next day I woke up very sleepy but suddenly when I heard the news about me and my brother going to Louis's house I was more waken up and excited! At Louis's house we: drawed pictures,we played a game with Frank and other teddy bears though I don't know name of the game. We also went to the trampoline but it was wet and full of bugs so we had to get out. We also had lunch in their house! There was letter shaped chips, an egg and green beans.
They have a huge green forest behind their new house.
At half past 6  in the afternoon I had to go to my piano lessons.
I knew I had to bring Frank with me. Once I had arrived I took Frank out of my bag. When I finished my lesson Frank played a song on the piano.
On Sunday the 25th of October,
I showed Frank his new friends.
Their names are: Oso pirata, Penguin, Jungle, Trudy, Oso pequeñito, Oso amoroso, Dog, Bea, Gorila, and Marloose. But of course there are more!!! Frank has also tried on his Halloween costume (and I did a good choice for him as well) , BOO !!!!! I think he's having a fantastic two week Holidays with me.

Try and find Frank.
 We've done our Halloween pumpkins. It looks great. Mine has a long smiling mouth that goes up to its eyes. Its teeth are very, super sharp. To me it's quite scary! Marcos, my brother also did one. 
  Which one do you think is mine? 
Cristina and Javier came to have Halloween at my house. Some children invited us to come and take sweets with them. We had to be on the street at 6 o'clock. When we came to the third house (Mael's house) Mael and Pablo from Year 6 joined us. Pablo was dressed as a magician. Mael was dressed as a dead person. Before leaving my house Cristina,me and my mother took a photo with Frank!!!!!
   I was a witch, Cristina a vampire, and my mother a dead person as well. Though Frank was a little scared!!!!! BOO !!!!!


  1. I love those costumes

  2. What a great blog post! I love the pumpkins - I think yours is the one on the right. Am I right? It sounds like you had a fantastic Holiday finished off by a brilliant Halloween!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Thats you Manu inent it?

  5. That was a very good and spooky post Julia.

  6. That was a very good and spooky post Julia.
